Chinese Journal of Catalysis ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 971-1000.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(21)63934-7

• Reviews • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Metal-organic framework-derived multifunctional photocatalysts

Yaping Zhanga,c, Jixiang Xua,b,*(), Jie Zhoua,c, Lei Wanga,c,#()   

  1. aState Key Laboratory Base of Eco-chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China
    bCollege of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China
    cCollege of Environment and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, Shandong, China
  • Received:2021-06-03 Accepted:2021-06-03 Online:2022-03-05 Published:2022-03-01
  • Contact: Jixiang Xu, Lei Wang
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(51772162);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52072197);Youth Innovation and Technology Foundation of Shandong Higher Education Institutions, China(2019KJC004);Outstanding Youth Foundation of Shandong Province, China(ZR2019JQ14);Taishan Scholar Young Talent Program(tsqn201909114);Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Project(2019JZZY020405);Major Basic Research Program of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2020ZD09)


Metal-organic framework (MOF)-derived nanomaterials have attracted widespread attention, because the excellent features, such as high surface area, porosity and tunable properties are inherited from MOFs. Moreover, the derivatives avoid the poor conductivity and stability of MOFs. MOF-derived nanomaterials can easily be regulated by a specific selection of metal nodes and organic linkers, resulting in multifunctionality in photocatalysis. MOF derivatives can be used not only as semiconductor photocatalysts, but also as co-catalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, CO2 reduction, pollutants degradation, etc. This review focuses on the multifunctional applications of MOF derivatives in the field of photocatalysis. The researches in recent years are analyzed and summarized from the aspects of preparation, modification and application of MOF derivatives. At the end of the review, the development and challenges of MOF derivatives applied in photocatalysis in the future are put forward, in order to provide more references for further research in this field and bring new inspiration.

Key words: MOF-derived nanomaterials, Semiconductor photocatalyst, Cocatalyst, H2 evolution, CO2 reduction, Pollution degradation