Chinese Journal of Catalysis ›› 2023, Vol. 50: 195-214.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(23)64456-0
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Sang Eon Juna,b, Sungkyun Choia, Jaehyun Kima, Ki Chang Kwonb,*(), Sun Hwa Parkb,*(
), Ho Won Janga,c,*(
*E-mail: About author:
Ki Chang Kwon is a Senior Research Scientist of the Interdisciplinary Materials Measurement Institute in Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Seoul National University in 2018 under supervision of prof. Ho Won Jang. He worked as a Postdoctoral research staff at Seoul National University at 2018 and at National University of Singapore (NUS) from 2018 to 2021. His research interests include the synthesis of low dimensional materials (1D & 2D), and halide perovskites, and their applications for nanoelectronics, solar water splitting catalysts, and chemoresistive gas sensors.Sang Eon Jun, Sungkyun Choi, Jaehyun Kim, Ki Chang Kwon, Sun Hwa Park, Ho Won Jang. Non-noble metal single atom catalysts for electrochemical energy conversion reactions[J]. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2023, 50: 195-214.
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Fig. 3. (a) HAADF-STEM image of Co-C3N4/rGO. (b) XANES spectra at the Co K-edge of Co foil, CoO, Co3O4, CoPc, and Co-C3N4/rGO. (c) FT-EXAFS spectra in R space. (d) LSV curves of Co-C3N4/rGO, Co-C3N4, C3N4/rGO, and Pt/C in 1.0 mol L?1 KOH. (e) Mass activity of Co-C3N4, Pt-C, and Co-C3N4/rGO at the overpotential of 30, 40, 50, and 60 mV. (f) Free energy diagrams of OER on Co-3N and Co-N model. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [50]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 4. (a) HAADF-STEM image of CN-0.5 Ni-HO. (b) FT-EXAFS spectra at the Ni K-edge of Ni foil, NiO, and Ni single atom coordinated CN with various Ni contents from 0.1% to 0.5%. (c) XANES spectra at the Ni K-edge. (d) Density of states of CN and CN-0.2Ni-HO. (e) Work functions of CN and CN-0.2Ni-HO. (f) Photocatalytic H2 production rates of CN, CN-Ni particles, and CN-0.2Ni-HO. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [51]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH.
Fig. 5. (a) Synthesis schematic of Ni-O-G SACs. (b) FT-EXAFS spectra of Ni-O-G SACs with references of NiO and Ni foil. (c) The OER current curves of Ni-O-G SACs, NiO, B Ni-O-G, Ni-N-G SACs, O-G, and RuO2 tested at 5 mV s-1 and 80% iR correction in 1 mol L?1 KOH. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [52]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. (d) HAADF-STEM image. Yellow circles represent individually dispersed Fe atoms. (e) C K-edge XAS spectra. The inset spectrum exhibits an enlarged view of the C K-edge XAS spectra ranging from 284 to 290 eV. The inset depicts the structural model of Fe1(OH)x/P-C, where Fe, O, C, and H atoms are represented by blue, red, brown, and white spheres, respectively. (f) Turnover frequencies (TOF) at different overpotentials. (g) Pathway of the OER reaction on Fe1(OH)x/P-C. The Fe, O, C, and H atoms are represented by blue, red, brown, and white spheres, respectively. *OH, *O, and *OOH are the intermediates involved in the OER process. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [53]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 6. (a) LSVs of the Co-N-C were recorded in various KOH solutions with varying concentrations of Fe3+. (b) Spherical aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM images of Co-N-C after activation in Fe-containing KOH (Co-Fe-N-C). XANES spectra (c), K-edge energies (at 50% level) (d) of XANES spectra in panel a and cobalt references compounds containing Co(0), Co(II), or Co(III). (e) Fourier transform of Co K-edge EXAFS spectra without phase correction was performed for as-prepared Co-N-C and the catalyst after activation, as well as during the OER process for different time durations. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [54]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 7. Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM image (a) and Faradaic efficiency (b) of Fe3+-N-C catalyst. XANES spectra on Fe K-edge (c) and Operando Fe K-edge XANES (d) of Fe3+-N-C catalyst. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [57]. Copyright 2019, AAAS. (e) FE of H2, C1 and C2+ products of N0.14C and Cu/NxC. (f) Scheme of Cun-CuN3 cluster transform in reversible pathway under reaction. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [127]. Copyright 2022, Nature Publishing Group. (g) Difference in theoretical limiting potential for CO2RR and HER for Fe1-N4-C, Fe2-N6-C-p-CO, Fe1-N3-C, Fe2-N6-C-o, and Fe2-N6-C-p. (h) Fe K-edge XANES spectra of different Fex-Ny-C and reference samples. (i) The energy diagram with difference of gibbs free energy on CO2RR for Fe1-N4-C, Fe2-N6-C-o, Fe2-N6-C-p, Fe1-N3-C, and Fe2-N6-C-p-CO. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [129]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society. (j) Faradaic efficiency for CO in 0.1 mol L?1 KHCO3 solution on ZIF-NC based samples. (k) The corresponding CO partial current density of the catalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [131]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 8. Scheme of preparing electrocatalysts ZnO3C and ZnN4 (a) and LSV curves of in 0.1 mol L?1 KOH electrolyte (b). (c) The free energy diagram of ZnO3C and ZnN4 towards 2 e- and 4 e- ORR pathway. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [138]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH. (d) Bimetallic Fe-Mn sites was indicated with the intensity profile analysis on TEM result. Fe K-edge XANES (e) and FT-EXAFS spectra (f) of Fe,Mn/N-C and references. LSV curves (g) and Tafel plots (h) of Fe,Mn/N-C, Fe/N-C, Mn/N-C, and Pt/C catalyst in O2-saturated 0.1 mol L-1 HClO4 solution. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [140]. Copyright 2021, Nature Publishing Group.
Fig. 9. (a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis of Fe SAC. (b) FT k3-weighted χ(k)-function of the EXAFS spectra at Fe K-edge. (c) Fitting results of the EXAFS spectra of Fe SAC at k-space. (d) Schematic model of Fe SAC: Fe (yellow), N (blue), and C (gray). (e) LSV curves of the Fe SAC in 0.25 mol L?1 K2SO4 electrolyte and 0.50 mol L?1 KNO3/0.10 mol L?1 K2SO4 mixed electrolyte. (f) NH3 FE of Fe SAC at each given potential. Red dot is FE estimated by three independent NMR tests. (g) NH3 yield rate and partial current density of Fe SAC, FeNP/NC, and NC. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [58]. Copyright 2021, Nature Publishing Group.
Fig. 10. TEM images of AgNP/MnO2 at temperature of 50 °C (a) and 300 °C (b), respectively. (c) HAADF-STEM image of Ag1/MnO2. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [147]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH. In-situ ATR-SEIRAS spectra of Fe1-NC (d) and Fe1-NSC (e) at different applied potentials. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [148]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH. In-situ XAENS spectra (f) and EXAFS profiles (g) of Pd-NC. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [149]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. In-situ CO DRIFT spectra of Rh single atom based catalyst under CO at increasing temperatures (from bottom to top) (h) and CO DRIFT spectra of Rh single atom based catalyst under CO/O2 at 473?K (i). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [150]. Copyright 2019, Nature Publishing Group.
Fig. 11. (a) In-situ XANES spectra for Ni K-edge of NiFe-CNG with applying different potentials and samples for reference. In-situ FT-EXAFS (b) and WT-EXAFS (c) spectra for Ni K-edge of NiFe-CNG with applying potentials. (d) In-situ XANES spectra for Fe K-edge of NiFe-CNG with applying different potentials and samples for reference. In-situ FT-EXAFS (e) and WT-EXAFS (f) spectra for Fe K-edge of NiFe-CNG with applying potentials. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [151]. Copyright 2021, Nature Publishing Group.
Fig. 12. (a) Operando XANES and (b) FT-EXAFS for Cu K-edge region of Cu/N0.14C from open circuit potential to -1.4?V vs. RHE in 0.1 mol L?1 KHCO3 electrolyte. (c) Absorption edge of Cu/N0.14C was related to the coordination number first shell and second shell with respect to the applied potential. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [127]. Copyright 2022, Nature Publishing Group. (d) XANES spectra at the Mn K-edge of Mn-C3N4/CNT under various reaction conditions Reprinted with permission from Ref. [152]. Copyright 2020, Nature Publishing Group. In-situ Raman spectra (e) and In-situ ATR-SEIRAS (f) of Cu(OH)BTA at the applied potential under CO2 atmosphere and CO2-saturated 0.1? mol L?1 KHCO3 electrolyte, respectively. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [153]. Copyright 2023, Nature Publishing Group.
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