Chinese Journal of Catalysis ›› 2023, Vol. 50: 175-194.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(23)64447-X

• Reviews • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Recent advances in photoredox catalytic transformations by using continuous-flow technology

Xin Yuana, Hai-Bin Fana, Jie Liua, Long-Zhou Qina, Jian Wanga, Xiu Duana, Jiang-Kai Qiua,b,*(), Kai Guoa,b,*()   

  1. aCollege of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu, China
    bState Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-03-15 Accepted:2023-05-03 Online:2023-07-18 Published:2023-07-25
  • Contact: *E-mail: (J.-K Qiu), (K. Guo).
  • About author:Jiang-Kai Qiu (College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University) obtained his Ph.D. degree from Nanjing Tech University in 2016. He studied as an exchanged Ph.D. student in Jiangsu Normal University and Texas Tech University (US) in the lab of Prof. Shu-Jiang Tu and Guigen Li from 2013 to 2016. In 2017, he returned to Nanjing Tech University and joined Prof. Kai Guo's group to begin his research work and was promoted as a professor in 2022. His research interests focus on microflow-based green and sustainable technology.
    Kai Guo (College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University) obtained his B.S. degree from Nanjing University in 2004, and Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2008. Subsequently, he worked as the project manager at AF Chempharm Co. Ltd. (2008‒2009). After that, he began his postdoctoral study in the University of Sheffield (2009‒2010). In 2010, he started his independent research career at Nanjing Tech University as a professor. Currently, his research interests mainly focus on microflow technology and bio-based materials. He received the Second Prize of National Technology Invention Awards (2017), Feng Xinde Polymer Prizer (2017), International Award for Outstanding Young Chemical Engineer (2021), etc. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in Prog Polym. Sci., Appl. Catal. B, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nat. Commun., Chem. Eng. J. etc.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(21702103);National Natural Science Foundation of China(21522604);Jiangsu Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced Bio-Manufacture(XTD2203);Natural Science Research Projects of Jiangsu Higher Education(19KJB150027);Jiangsu Funding Program for Excellent Postdoctoral Talent(2022ZB389)


Photoredox catalysis is regarded as an economically appealing method for highly efficient and sustainable chemical syntheses. Nevertheless, numerous recent studies have revealed several unresolved disadvantages; for example, based on the Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law, the short propagation distance of photons in traditional batch reactors hampers the scalability of photocatalytic reactions. The introduction of continuous-flow technology for photochemical synthesis has resolved several of these problems. The use of photochemistry in microreactors has resulted in various transformations. Superior mixing ability, more effective heat transfer, and the easier magnification of continuous-flow chemical reactions are key to its success. Continuous-flow technology has allowed the optimization of several different types of conversion. Photoredox catalysts are effective under various reaction conditions because of their single-electron transfer properties. Common photocatalysts include transition metal complexes containing ruthenium, iridium, copper, iron, or manganese; organic photocatalysts; and heterogeneous photocatalysts. This review covers the types of photocatalysts that have recently been used in continuous-flow photochemistry.

Key words: Photoredox catalysis, Continuous-flow technology, Transition metal photosensitizer, Organic photocatalyst, Heterogeneous photocatalyst