About Journal

  • Chinese Journal of Catalysis is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of chemical processes in catalysis research. Published by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS and Elsevier B.V., the journal represents China's premier international journal in the chemical sciences and is the most well recognized catalysis journal in China with a broad readership. The SCI impact factor of 2024 is 15.7.


    The journal is dedicated to publication of original research in all aspects of catalysis, including heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, environmental catalysis, energy-oriented catalysis, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, and biocatalysis. Manuscript types include Articles, Reviews, Accounts, Communications, Comments, Highlights, Perspectives, and Viewpoints.


    The goal of the journal is to move toward to a truly international journal, and to be a high-profile journal in catalysis field all over the world.


    The characteristic of the journal includes:

    • The most well recognized and the fastest growing catalysis journal in China;
    • Global exposure of the published work with over 837,000 annual downloads via ScienceDirect;
    • Around 2700 submissions from more than 50 countries (including USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Netherland, Italy, South Korea, France, Japan, India, Iran, etc.) with the current acceptance rate of 12%;
    • Rapid peer reviews and online publication (10?76 days from submission) make new research findings accessible to the world in a time-sensitive fashion;
    • A good platform to report the state of the art research in catalysis and to enhance the recognition for the rising stars by the international catalysis communities;
    • Articles, Communications, Reviews, Accounts, Highlights, Comments, Viewpoints, and Perspectives are published to report the cutting-edge research development in the international catalysis community;
    • Convenient online submission and a rapid peer review and publication process which follows the premium international way;
    • Handling of submitted manuscripts by the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors who are internationally recognized chemists.

    The scope of the journal includes:

    •    New trends in catalysis for applications in energy production, environmental protection, and preparation of new materials, petroleum chemicals, and fine chemicals;
    • Scientific foundation for the preparation and activation of catalysts of commercial interest or their representative models;
    •  Spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, especially methods for in situ characterization;
    •  New theoretical methods of potential practical interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysis and catalytic reactions;
    • Relationship between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis;
    • Theoretical studies on the structure and reactivity of catalysts.
    •  The journal also accepts contributions on photocatalysis, biocatalysis, surface science, and catalysis-related chemical kinetics.

    You are encouraged to submit your high-quality paper to Chinese Journal of Catalysis. Please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office Staffs via email cjcatal@dicp.ac.cn should you have any question or suggestion.


    The submission system can be accessed at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/cjcatal.

    Below are guidelines for authors.


    For more information of the Journal, please visit:

    In China http://www.cjcatal.com

    At Elsevier http://www.journals.elsevier.com/chinese-journal-of-catalysis

    At ScienceDirect http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18722067

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