Chinese Journal of Catalysis
2024, Vol. 64
Online: 18 September 2024
Cover: Prof. Bingjun Xu and coworkers conducted a systematic study on the reaction mechanism of propane dehydrogenation over the Ga/H-ZSM-5 system, proposing that the active species Ga
22+ catalyzes the C–H bond activation in propane molecules. This mechanism involves a two-step catalytic cycle consisting of activation and β-elimination, which propane undergoes on Ga
22+. The study identifies two distinct types of Ga
22+ species in different chemical environments, with the catalytic cycle being completed only on the Ga
22+ species that corresponds to the high wavenumber peak in the infrared spectrum. This finding provides new insights and references for exploring the reaction mechanisms of other catalysts in propane dehydrogenation. Read more about the article behind the cover on page 32–43.