催化学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 1920-1927.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(15)60947-0

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石磊, 胡臻浩, 邓高明, 李文翠   

  1. 大连理工大学化工学院精细化工国家重点实验室, 辽宁大连116024
  • 收稿日期:2015-05-07 修回日期:2015-07-07 出版日期:2015-11-02 发布日期:2015-11-02
  • 通讯作者: 李文翠. 电话/传真: (0411)84986355; 电子信箱: wencuili@dlut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

    国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划, 2013CB934104); 中国博士后科学基金(2014M560202).

Carbon monoxide oxidation on copper manganese oxides prepared by selective etching with ammonia

Lei Shi, Zhen-Hao Hu, Gao-Ming Deng, Wen-Cui Li   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2015-05-07 Revised:2015-07-07 Online:2015-11-02 Published:2015-11-02
  • Supported by:

    This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2013CB934104) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014M560202).


由于在工业、环保和能源等诸多领域的潜在应用, 低温CO催化氧化催化剂的研发引起了广泛关注. 尽管贵金属表现出优越的CO氧化活性和稳定性, 但是其有限储量和高昂价格一直限制着它们的实际应用. 铜锰氧化物是著名的霍加拉特催化剂的主组分, 价格低廉, 催化氧化CO活性高, 可高效替代贵金属催化剂. 大量研究已证实, CO在铜锰氧化物上的氧化遵循氧化-还原机理, 因此调变铜锰氧化物催化剂的氧化-还原性能对于改善其CO氧化活性至关重要.
本文报道了一种简单的选择性刻蚀技术, 即在铜、锰前驱物共沉淀过程中引入氨水作为刻蚀剂, 利用氨水与铜离子的强络合作用选择性刻蚀铜组分, 调变铜锰氧化物的铜锰比, 有效改善了铜锰氧化物的氧化-还原特性, 从而提高了其CO氧化性能.
X射线粉末衍射(XRD)测试结果表明, 初始制备的样品结晶弱, 主要物相包含铜锰复合氧化物和氧化锰, 此外还存在少量碳酸锰. 不同浓度氨水刻蚀几乎未改变铜锰氧化物的物相组成. 透射电子显微(TEM)照片中几乎没有发现晶格相, 进一步证实这些铜锰氧化物的弱结晶本质. 扫描电子显微(SEM)照片显示初始制备的铜锰复合氧化物主要由1.5 mm左右的球形颗粒堆积而成, 氨水刻蚀后颗粒形状变得不规则, 表面更加粗糙, 样品比表面积也从刻蚀前的85 m2/g增加到139 m2/g. 理论上, 氨水与铜的络合作用更强, 样品主体和表面组成分析结果显示, 随着氨刻蚀量增加, 铜含量逐步降低, 这清晰证实了氨有效地选择性刻蚀了铜组分.
进一步运用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、氢程序升温还原(H2-TPR)、CO程序升温还原(CO-TPR)和氧程序升温脱附(O2-TPD)等测试手段表征了铜锰氧化物的氧化和还原特性, 特别是氨刻蚀后催化剂氧化-还原性能. XPS分析显示铜锰氧化物中铜和锰物种的氧化态分别为+2和+3, 氨刻蚀并没有改变两物种的氧化态. H2-TPR和CO-TPR证实氨刻蚀有效促进了铜锰氧化物中晶格氧从锰到铜物种的迁移, 氨刻蚀同时还增强了与铜和锰键合的晶格氧物种的反应活性. O2-TPD结果进一步表明, 氨刻蚀显著改善了铜锰氧化物中与铜键合晶格氧的释放. 综合来看, 氨刻蚀可有效促进铜锰氧化物的晶格氧迁移、释放和反应等氧化-还原特性.
CO氧化反应研究显示, 氨刻蚀大幅度促进了铜锰氧化物的催化活性. 当反应温度在30 ℃时, 相比于初始制备的铜锰氧化物催化剂, 氨水刻蚀的样品上CO转化率提高了30%, 达到90%转化率时的温度降低了20 ℃. 关联催化剂结构表征和CO氧化性能数据发现, 以表面Cu量归一化的CO氧化反应速率与催化剂的氧化-还原性能正相关. 这一结果清晰证实氨刻蚀能显著改善铜锰氧化物的氧化-还原特性, 进而有效促进其CO氧化活性.

关键词: 铜锰氧化物, 选择性刻蚀, 氧化-还原性能, 一氧化碳氧化, 共沉淀


A series of copper manganese oxides were prepared using a selective etching technique with various amounts of ammonia added during the co-precipitation process. The effect of the ammonia etching on the structure and catalytic properties of the copper manganese oxides was investigated using elemental analysis, nitrogen physisorption, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, H2 temperature-programmed reduction, and O2 temperature-programmed desorption combined with catalytic oxidation of CO. It was found that ammonia can selectively remove copper species from the copper manganese oxides, which correspondingly generates more defects in these oxides. An oxygen spillover from the manganese to the copper species was observed by H2 temperature-programmed desorption, indicating that ammonia etching enhanced the mobility of lattice oxygen species in these oxides. The O2 temperature-programmed desorption measurements further revealed that ammonia etching improved the ability of these oxides to release lattice oxygen. The improvement in redox properties of the copper manganese oxides following ammonia etching was associated with enhanced catalytic performance for CO oxidation.

Key words: Copper manganese oxide, Selective etching, Redox property, CO oxidation, Co-precipitation