催化学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 1861-1866.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(15)60970-6

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袁川a, 刘华彦a, 张泽凯a, 卢晗锋a, 朱秋莲a, 陈银飞a,b   

  1. a 浙江工业大学化学工程学院, 浙江杭州310014;
    b 浙江工业大学浙江省绿色化工技术重点实验室, 浙江杭州310014
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-03 修回日期:2015-09-06 出版日期:2015-11-02 发布日期:2015-11-02
  • 通讯作者: 陈银飞. 电话: +86-13606643528; 电子信箱: yinfei.chen@gmail.com

Alkali-metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites for improvement of catalytic dehydration of lactic acid to acrylic acid

Chuan Yuana, Huayan Liua, Zekai Zhanga, Hanfeng Lua, Qiulian Zhua, Yinfei Chena,b   

  1. a College of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, China;
    b Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2015-06-03 Revised:2015-09-06 Online:2015-11-02 Published:2015-11-02


乳酸作为一种生物质, 含有羟基和羧基双官能团, 被广泛用于转化为其他化学品, 如乙醛、丙酸、丙烯酸和2,3-戊二酮. 其中, 丙烯酸是一种重要的化工原料, 广泛应用于生产增稠剂、胶黏剂及高吸水性聚丙烯酸酯类树脂, 市场前景广阔, 国内丙烯酸需求量达2000 kt/a. 目前工业上主要采用石油基产品丙烯两步氧化生产丙烯酸, 但石油价格不断上涨, 导致丙烯酸生产成本相应增加. 针对这一问题, 研究者逐渐转向以生物质乳酸为原料, 一步脱水法制备丙烯酸路线, 该方法因环保、经济、符合可持续发展方向而成为研究热点. 文献中报道的催化剂主要有硫酸盐(BaSO4), 磷酸盐(Ca3(PO4)2-Ca2(P2O7)), NaY和β分子筛. 研究发现, 适中的表面酸碱性强度和密度是乳酸高选择性转化为丙烯酸的关键. 硫酸盐和磷酸盐催化剂由于表面活性位的缺乏, 必须在高温下才能有效催化乳酸转化成丙烯酸, 但高温易导致碳氢化合物积炭, 造成原料浪费. 分子筛催化剂具有较高的比表面积和较多的酸碱位分布, 能够在较低温度下催化醇脱水反应. 其中, NaY分子筛催化乳酸脱水时丙烯酸选择性达到68%, 但NaY分子筛具有超笼结构, 易造成积炭, 催化剂易失活. 因此, 需选择一种合适的分子筛催化剂, 以抑制积炭.
ZSM-5分子筛具有二维十元环微孔孔道结构(孔径分别为0.51 nm × 0.55 nm和0.53 nm × 0.56 nm), 且有可调的酸碱性和较高的水热稳定性, 被广泛应用于醇脱水(如甲醇制烯烃)和催化裂化反应. 本文采用离子交换法, 利用碱金属(Li, Na, K, Rb和Cs)改性ZSM-5分子筛用于催化乳酸脱水制丙烯酸. 采用X射线衍射、NH3程序升温脱附、CO2程序升温脱附、吡啶吸附红外光谱和N2吸附等手段表征了催化剂晶相结构、表面酸碱性、比表面积和孔径. 通过气固相反应装置评价了催化剂催化活性、选择性和稳定性, 并考察了反应温度和空速等工艺条件对催化反应的影响.
结果表明, 碱金属改性的ZSM-5分子筛, 晶相结构基本未受到破坏, 比表面积下降, 表面酸碱性强度减弱, 酸碱位密度降低. 在催化乳酸脱水制丙烯酸过程中, 碱金属改性的ZSM-5催化剂表现出优异的催化活性, 使乳酸较高选择性地转化成丙烯酸. 其中, K+交换后的KZSM-5催化剂催化活性和丙烯酸选择性最高, 在最优反应条件(乳酸浓度40 wt%, 反应温度365 ℃, 液体空速(LHSV) 2 h-1)下, 乳酸转化率可达98%, 丙烯酸选择性可达77%. 结合表征结果可知, 弱酸及弱碱位的协同作用能够提高丙烯酸选择性. 同时, 碱金属的引入使催化剂表面Lewis酸位增多, 该酸性位有利于乳酸脱水生成丙烯酸. 另外, ZSM-5分子筛由于其特殊的孔道结构和强酸位的缺失, 在催化过程中很好地抑制了原料和产物的积炭, 使其具有良好的催化稳定性, 催化剂寿命长, 具有良好的工业化应用前景.

关键词: ZSM-5分子筛, 碱金属, 乳酸, 丙烯酸, 脱水


Various ZSM-5 zeolites modified with alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) were prepared using ion exchange. The catalysts were used to enhance the catalytic dehydration of lactic acid (LA) to acrylic acid (AA). The effects of cationic species on the structures and surface acid-base distributions of the ZSM-5 zeolites were investigated. The important factors that affect the catalytic performance were also identified. The modified ZSM-5 catalysts were characterized using X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed desorptions of NH3 and CO2, pyridine adsorption spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption to determine the crystal phase structures, surface acidities and basicities, nature of acid sites, specific surface areas, and pore volumes. The results show that the acid-base sites that are adjusted by alkali-metal species, particularly weak acid-base sites, are mainly responsible for the formation of AA. The KZSM-5 catalyst, in particular, significantly improved LA conversion and AA selectivity because of the synergistic effect of weak acid-base sites. The reaction was conducted at different reaction temperatures and liquid hourly space velocities (LHSVs) to understand the catalyst selectivity for AA and trends in byproduct formation. Approximately 98% LA conversion and 77% AA selectivity were achieved using the KZSM-5 catalyst under the optimum conditions (40 wt% LA aqueous solution, 365 ℃, and LHSV 2 h-1).

Key words: ZSM-5 zeolite, Alkali metal, Lactic acid, Acrylic acid, Dehydration