催化学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 1311-1319.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(17)63005-5

• 第十五届国际二氧化碳利用会议专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


Seol-Hee Kima, Robin Babua, Dong-Woo Kimb, Wonjoo Leeb, Dae-Won Parka   

  1. a 国立釜山大学化工与生物分子工程部, 釜山609-735, 韩国;
    b 韩国化工技术研究所, 蔚山681-802, 韩国
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-25 修回日期:2017-12-25 出版日期:2018-08-18 发布日期:2018-07-04
  • 通讯作者: Dae-Won Park
  • 基金资助:


Cycloaddition of CO2 and propylene oxide by using M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF (M=Ni, Co, Zn) metal-organic frameworks

Seol-Hee Kima, Robin Babua, Dong-Woo Kimb, Wonjoo Leeb, Dae-Won Parka   

  1. a Division of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea;
    b Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Ulsan 681-802, Korea
  • Received:2017-11-25 Revised:2017-12-25 Online:2018-08-18 Published:2018-07-04
  • Contact: 10.1016/S1872-2067(17)63005-5
  • Supported by:

    This work was supported by Korea Electric Power Corporation and National Research Foundation of Korea (2016-R1D1A1B-03931325).


采用溶剂热法合成了三种M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF (M=Ni,Co,Zn,HBTC=1,3,5-均苯三甲酸,4,4'-bipy=4,4'-联吡啶)结构的支柱层金属有机骨架材料(MOFs).首次采用溶剂热和微波法合成了Zn(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF,并采用多种物理化学方法对其进行了表征.M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF中包含有M2+离子的蜂窝网格层和BTC单元,BTC单元与4,4'-联吡啶柱进一步交联形成三维多孔骨架材料.在采用烷基铵卤化物作为助催化剂和无溶剂的条件下,所有MOFs材料均对催化固定CO2与环氧化合物环加成制备环状碳酸酯反应表现出非常好的协同催化性能,其催化活性高低顺序为:Zn > Co > Ni,这可通过酸-碱双功能特性进行解释.采用微波法合成的Zn(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF材料表现出与常规催化剂相似的物理化学性质和催化性能.考察了不同制备参数的影响和材料的重复使用性能,并提出了该反应的可能机理.

关键词: M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·, 3DMF(M=Ni,Co,Zn), 微波法, 二氧化碳, 环氧化物, 环状碳酸酯


Three pillar-layered metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF (M=Ni, Co, and Zn; HBTC=1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid, 4,4'-bipy=4,4'-bipyridine) were synthesized using a solvothermal method. Zn(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF was synthesized for the first time using both a solvothermal and microwave method, and subsequently characterized by various physicochemical methods. The structure of M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF consisted of honeycomb grid layers of M2+ ions and BTC units, which were further linked by the 4,4'-bipy pillars to form a three-dimensional highly porous framework. All the MOFs displayed excellent synergistic catalytic properties with alkyl ammonium halides (TBAX) in the solventless fixation of CO2 with epoxides to produce cyclic carbonates. The catalytic activities of these MOFs followed the trend Zn > Co > Ni, which was explained by the acid-base bifunctional properties. The microwave-synthesized Zn(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·3DMF material exhibited physical, chemical, and catalytic properties that were similar to those of the catalyst obtained using a conventional solvothermal synthesis. The scope of various parameters, including recyclability, was studied, and a plausible reaction mechanism was suggested.

Key words: M(HBTC)(4,4'-bipy)·, 3DMF(M=Ni, Co, Zn), Microwave method, Carbon dioxide, Epoxide, Cyclic carbonate