催化学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 1625-1632.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(18)63108-0

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Brevibacterium epidermidis催化酮不对称还原胺化合成(S)-手性胺

李清华a, 董源b, 陈飞飞a, 柳磊a, 李春秀a, 许建和a, 郑高伟a   

  1. a 华东理工大学生物反应器工程国家重点实验室, 上海 200237;
    b 中国人民解放军第三〇二医院药学部, 北京 100039
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-30 修回日期:2018-05-24 出版日期:2018-10-18 发布日期:2018-08-03
  • 通讯作者: 郑高伟
  • 基金资助:


Reductive amination of ketones with ammonium catalyzed by a newly identified Brevibacterium epidermidis strain for the synthesis of (S)-chiral amines

Qing-Hua Lia, Yuan Dongb, Fei-Fei Chena, Lei Liua, Chun-Xiu Lia, Jian-He Xua, Gao-Wei Zhenga   

  1. a State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;
    b Department of Pharmacy, 302 Hospital of People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100039, China
  • Received:2018-04-30 Revised:2018-05-24 Online:2018-10-18 Published:2018-08-03
  • Contact: 10.1016/S1872-2067(18)63108-0
  • Supported by:

    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21472045, 21536004), and the National Defense Scientific and Technological Innovation Special Zone (17-163-12-ZT-003-055-01).


本文首先利用苯乙胺作为唯一氮源,从土壤中筛选能够利用苯乙胺生长的菌株,进而利用苯乙酮作为初筛底物对得到的菌株进行胺化能力筛选,再利用(4-氟苯基)丙酮作为模式底物进行进一步的筛选.幸运的是,我们获得了能够利用无机铵作为胺供体催化(4-氟苯基)丙酮不对称还原胺化合成(S)-4-氟-α-甲基苯乙胺的菌株,经过16S RNA鉴定为表皮短杆菌,命名为B.epidermidis ECU1015.
接下来,我们对B.epidermidisECU1015催化的胺化反应中的关键参数如胺基供体及其最适浓度、反应温度、pH值和底物浓度等进行了优化,确定最佳反应条件:胺供体为NH4Cl(1.25mol/L),反应温度为30℃,KPB缓冲液(200mmol/L,pH 7.5),底物浓度10mmol/L.最后,在最适的反应条件下,我们对B.epidermidis ECU1015催化的底物谱进行了研究.结果表明,该微生物不能催化大位阻芳香酮和链状酮的胺化,对位阻较小的苯乙酮及(4-氟苯基)丙酮具有较好的还原胺化能力,而且对苯环上带有吸电子取代基的酮化合物具有更好的转化效果.经手性分析,所有生成的手性胺均为(S)-构型,产品的光学纯度均>99%.

关键词: 生物催化, 还原胺化, 不对称合成, 潜手性酮, 手型胺


The asymmetric reductive amination of achiral ketones with ammonia is a particularly attractive reaction for the synthesis of chiral amines. Although several engineered amine dehydrogenases have been developed by protein engineering for the asymmetric reductive amination of ketones, they all display (R)-stereoselectivity. To date, there is no report of an (S)-stereoselective biocatalyst for this reaction. Herein, a microorganism named Brevibacterium epidermidis ECU1015 that catalyzes the (S)-selective reductive amination of ketones with ammonium has been successfully isolated from soil. Using B. epidermidis ECU1015 as the catalyst, the asymmetric reductive amination of a set of phenylacetone derivatives was successfully carried out, yielding the corresponding (S)-chiral amines with moderate conversion and >99% enantiomeric excess.

Key words: Biocatalysis, Reductive amination, Asymmetric synthesis, Prochiral ketones, Chiral amine