催化学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 713-721.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(18)63156-0

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徐博冉a,b, 李娟a, 刘璐b, 李延东b, 郭绍辉b, 高旸钦b, 李宁b, 戈磊a,b   

  1. a 中国石油大学(北京)重质油国家重点实验室, 北京 102249;
    b 中国石油大学(北京)理学院材料科学与工程系, 北京 102249
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-11 修回日期:2018-08-30 出版日期:2019-05-18 发布日期:2019-03-30
  • 通讯作者: 戈磊
  • 基金资助:


Pt/Bi24O31Cl10 composite nanosheets with significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation

Boran Xua,b, Juan Lia, Lu Liub, Yandong Lib, Shaohui Guob, Yangqin Gaob, Ning Lib, Lei Gea,b   

  1. a State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, College of Science, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249;
    b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Science, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249
  • Received:2018-08-11 Revised:2018-08-30 Online:2019-05-18 Published:2019-03-30
  • Contact: 10.1016/S1872-2067(18)63156-0
  • Supported by:

    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51572295, 21273285 and 21003157), Beijing Nova Program (2008B76), and Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum Beijing (KYJJ2012-06-20 and 2462016YXBS05).


考察了可见光照射下Bi24O31Cl10和Pt负载量分别为0.5%,1%,2%和3%的Pt/Bi24O31Cl10对甲基橙溶液的降解的光催化性能.结果表明,相比于载体,Pt/Bi24O31Cl10的光催化性能有了显著提高,其中1% Pt/Bi24O31Cl10的光催化活性最佳,并且在循环降解实验中表现出稳定的光催化活性.
DRS测试结果表明,Bi24O31Cl10的带隙宽度为2.45 eV,而Pt的负载有效减小了禁带宽度,从而提高了催化剂对光的利用率.对Bi24O31Cl10进行了DFT建模,结果显示,Bi,Cl和O原子的排列遵循分层叠加模型,且每层垂直于内部静电场堆叠.而从它的能带结构和状态密度(DOS)可知,其导、价带边沿较为分散,这意味着光生载流子的有效质量较小,从而使载流子的运输更为容易.利用DRS以及对Bi24O31Cl10能带结构的计算结果,根据半经验公式可知,Bi24O31Cl10的导、价带位置分别为0.395和2.845 eV.而Pt的费米能级为0.8 eV.结合ESR测试结果,可对Pt/Bi24O31Cl10催化降解甲基橙的过程提出合理猜想:Bi24O31Cl10被光激发后,其表面的Pt充当电子“陷阱”以促进电子和空穴分离,被Pt捕获的电子与表面吸附的O2形成O2-,并进一步与甲基橙反应,完成光降解过程.

关键词: 卤氧铋, 光催化, Bi24O31Cl10, 甲基橙降解


Efficient composite semiconductor photocatalysts are highly desirable for the visible-light-driven degradation of organic pollutants. In this study, Bi24O31Cl10 photocatalyst was prepared via a hydrothermal method and modified with Pt nanoparticles (NPs) through a facile deposition procedure. The composite photocatalyst was characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electronic microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV-vis diffusion reflectance spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and electron spin resonance. The 1.0 wt% Pt/Bi24O31Cl10 photocatalyst showed the highest activity for the degradation of methyl orange under visible light (source:300 W Xe lamp coupled with a UV-cutoff filter), and the photocatalytic degradation efficiency improved about 2.2 times compared to that of pure Bi24O31Cl10. The composite photocatalyst could maintain most of its activity after four runs of the photocatalytic experimental cycle. This study could provide a novel insight for the modification of other desirable semiconductor materials to achieve high photocatalytic activities.

Key words: Bismuth-based oxyhalide, Photocatalyst, Bi24O31Cl10, Methyl orange degradation