催化学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 971-1000.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(21)63934-7
张亚萍a,c, 徐继香a,b,*(), 周洁a,c, 王磊a,c,#(
Yaping Zhanga,c, Jixiang Xua,b,*(), Jie Zhoua,c, Lei Wanga,c,#(
Jixiang Xu, Lei Wang
Supported by:
在光催化过程中, 光催化剂被太阳能激发产生光生电子和空穴, 来实现环境净化或能量转换, 是应对全球变暖和能源短缺的有效途径之一. 然而, 光催化技术面临的主要瓶颈问题是光生载流子的低分离效率和高反应能垒. 而催化剂本身的特性对这一点起到了决定性的作用. 因此, 催化剂的合理设计和改性是提高光催化效率的关键. 金属有机框架(MOFs)是一类由金属节点和有机配体组成的新型结晶多孔材料. 基于结构多样性、超高比表面积、形状和尺寸可调的纳米孔或纳米通道等优异的特性, MOFs基材料在光催化领域引起了广泛关注. 然而, MOFs的主要问题之一是低导电性和稳定性, 这限制了其更广泛应用.
正是由于MOFs的不稳定性, 其可以作为牺牲模板制备纳米材料. 由MOFs衍生的纳米材料继承了MOFs的优异特性, 同时避免了MOFs较差的导电性和稳定性的问题. 并且可以通过选择特定的金属节点和有机配体对MOFs衍生的纳米材料进行调控, 从而实现光催化剂的多功能性. 因此, MOFs衍生物在光催化领域展现出更广阔的应用前景. 而且MOFs衍生物不仅可以作为半导体光催化剂, 还可以作为光催化析氢、CO2还原、污染物降解等反应的助催化剂.
本文重点介绍MOFs衍生物在光催化领域的多功能应用. 从MOFs衍生物的制备、修饰和应用等方面对近年来的研究进行了分析和总结. 最后, 对MOFs衍生物应用于光催化领域的挑战进行了分析, 并对未来发展和机遇进行了展望, 以期为该领域的进一步研究提供更多参考, 并带来新的启示.
张亚萍, 徐继香, 周洁, 王磊. 金属-有机框架衍生的多功能光催化剂[J]. 催化学报, 2022, 43(4): 971-1000.
Yaping Zhang, Jixiang Xu, Jie Zhou, Lei Wang. Metal-organic framework-derived multifunctional photocatalysts[J]. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2022, 43(4): 971-1000.
Fig. 5. (a) Schematic formation of different Co3O4 structures; (b-e) TEM images of various Co3O4 structures. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [119]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 6. (a) SEM image of ZIF-8; (b) TG curves of ZIF-8; (c) The synthesis process of ZnO; (d,e) SEM and TEM images of ZnO obtained by two-step calcination method. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [120]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier.
Fig. 7. (a) The products of MIL-88A(Fe) annealed in different atmosphere. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [122]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. (b) The products of Zn-MOF annealed at different temperatures and atmospheres. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [123]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Fig. 8. (a) Preparation of core-shell Fe3O4-CuO@carbon hollow sphere composite; (b) The illustration of freezing-replacement post-treatment on the structure of Fe3O4-CuO@carbon sphere; SEM images of original (c) and freezing-replacement treated (d) Fe3O4-CuO@carbon. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [126]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Fig. 9. (a) Schematic illustration for preparing Co4S3. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [129]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier. (b) Schematic illustration for preparing Fe-Ni-P nanotubes using Fe-Ni-MOF as templates. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [131]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Fig. 10. (a) Schematic preparation processes of Bismuth oxyhalides. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [102]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. (b) Schematic diagram of two-step synthesis of Fe2N nanocubes. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [142]. Copyright 2020, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 12. (a) Scheme illustration for the synthesis of ZIF-derived ZnS/ZnIn2S4 heterojunction; (b) The SEM image of the ZnS/ZnIn2S4 heterojunction; (c) Band structure and proposed charge transfer mechanism for ZnS/ZnIn2S4 heterojunction photocatalyst; (d) Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by series photocatalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [152]. Copyright 2020, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 13. XRD patterns (a), H2 evolution rates (b) over MIL-125-NH2-derived TiO2 prepared at different temperatures; (c) The synthesis process of MIL-125-NH2-derived TiO2; (d) TEM images and selected-area electron diffraction pattern of MIL-125-NH2-derived TiO2 synthesized through calcination at 600 °C for 1 h. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [58]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 14. (a) Self-recognition of mixed metal cations during the sulfuration of Co/Cd-MOF into Co9S8/CdS; (b) Scheme illustration for the transfer route of photogenerated carries in the Z-scheme Co9S8/CdS during H2 evolution and BA oxidation; (c) Photocatalytic H2 evolution with different catalysts; (d) Photocatalytic conversion rate of BA to BAD. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [164]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Fig. 15. (a) Schematic preparation process of hollow Cu-TiO2/C; (b) SEM image of Cu-TiO2/C. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [172]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Schematic preparation process of hollow ZnFe2O4/AgCl/Ag/C nanotube; (d) SEM image of ZnFe2O4/AgCl/Ag/C; (e) The scattering path of incident light in the porous nanotube structure. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [173]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.
Fig. 16. (a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication of ZnOZIF-8/rGO/carbon sponge; (b) Schematic diagram of the photogenerated carrier transfer process in ZnOZIF-8/rGO/carbon sponge. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [191]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. (c) Schematic the synthesis process of CdS/ZCO nanocomposites; (d) Photocurrent response of CdS/ZCO; (e) Light irradiation route in CdS/ZCO. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [192]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 17. (a) Schematic preparation process of Co3O4/ZnO@ZnS photocatalysts; Calculated Fermi levels of ZnO (101) (b) and ZnS (111) (c) planes; (d) Possible mechanism for the photocatalytic over Co3O4/ZnO@ZnS; (e) H2 and O2 production rates of Co3O4/ZnO@ZnS without sacrificial agent. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [193]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
MOF precursors | Photocatalyst | Synthesis strategy | Light | Sacrificial agent | Activity (μmol h-1g-1) | Ref. |
In-MOF | In2O3/g-C3N4 | calcined annealing (In-MOF precursor + melamine) | visible light | TEOA | 1374 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti/Cu) | TiO2/CuxO/C | one-step direct carbonization | UV-visible light | CH3OH | 3298 | [ |
ZIF-67 | TiO2-Ti3C2-CoSx | solvothermal method | UV-visible light | CH3OH | 950 | [ |
Cd-MOF | CdS/MoS2 | sulfurization | UV-visible light | Na2S + Na2SO3 | 5587 | [ |
HKUST-1 | Cu-TiO2/C nanospheres | calcination and etching | simulated sunlight | CH3OH | 14049 | [ |
Ni-MOF | CdS-NiO-P | annealing and ultrasonication | UV-visible light | DMPO | 14250 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | MoS2@TiO2 | thermally treated (thiourea and sodium molybdate dihydrate) | visible light | TEOA | 10046 | [ |
MIL-68(In) | In2O3@g-C3N4 | annealing | visible light | 0.5 mol/L Na2SO3 + Na2S | 258.8 | [ |
MOF-74-Zn/Fe | ZnFe2O4/AgCl/Ag/C | thermal treatment | visible light | 0.1 mol/L Na2SO3 + 0.1 mol/L Na2S | 7524 | [ |
MIL-125 | g-C3N4/TiO2 | facile pyrolysis | UV-visible light | TEOA | 606 | [ |
ZIF-8 | ZnOZIF-8/rGO/carbon sponge | dipping-pyrolysis | simulated solar light | CH3OH | 14.6 | [ |
Cd-Zn-Fe PBA | Cd0.5Zn0.5S | solvothermal | visible light | Na2S (0.35 mol/L) + Na2SO3 (0.25 mol/L) | 4341.6 | [ |
Cd-Fe-PBA | CdS | microwave-assisted hydrothermal process | visible light | Na2S + Na2SO3 | 3051.4 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | NiS/CdS/TiO2 | hydrolysis combining sulfidation process | visible light | Na2SO3 (0.25 mol/L) + Na2S (0.35 mol/L) | 2149.15 | [ |
Ce-ZIF-8 | CeO2/ZnS-CuS | calcining and vulcanizing and in-situ cation exchange method | visible light | CH3OH | 13470 | [ |
Fe-MOF | g-Fe2O3/rGO-w | thermolysis and wet chemical technique | visible light | TEA | 318 | [ |
Al-MOF | CdX-g-C3N4-NPC | annealing | simulated solar light | lactic acid | 116.5 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | H-TiO2/CdS | post solvothermal method | visible light | Na2S (0.2 mol/L) + Na2SO3 (0.3 mol/L) | 2997.482 | [ |
MOF-199 | Cu-Cu2O/TiO2 | calcining | UV-visible light | glycerol | 15130 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co4S3/CdS | hydrothermal reaction | visible light | lactic acid | 5892.6 | [ |
ZnCo-MOFs | Co3O4/ZnO@ZnS | calcining and solvothermal method | 780 nm > λ > 320 nm | CH3OH | 3853 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co9S8@ZnAgInS | sulfidation reaction and thermal treatment | simulated solar light | TEOA | 9395.3 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIF | CdS/ZnXCo3‒xO4 | aminated in an oil bath and hydrothermal method | UV-visible light | lactic acid | 3978.6 | [ |
ZIF-8 | Co/NGC@ZnIn2S4 | situ solution growth method and high-temperature pyrolysis and acid leaching | visible light | TEOA | 11270 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIF | Pt-ZnO-Co3O4 Pt-ZnS-CoS Pt-Zn3P2-CoP | oxidation sulfurization phosphidation | UV-vis light | methanol | 7800 8210 9150 | [ |
Prussian blue | Fe2N | annealing + ammoniated | visible light | TEOA | 14500 | [ |
Fe-Ni-MIL-88 | Fe-Ni-P nanotubes | phosphating method | visible light | TEOA | 5420 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co4S3/CdS | annealing + sulfurization | simulated solar light | lactic acid | 12360 | [ |
CAU-17 | Bi0.5Y0.5VO4 | annealing | UV-vis light | — | 124.2 | [ |
ZIF-8 | ZnS/ZnIn2S4 | sulfurization | simulated solar light | TEOA | 453.4 | [ |
MIL-125@ZIF-67 HMOF | TiO2/Co3O4/Ni | annealing | UV-visible light | free | 122.67 | [ |
MIL-125-NH2 | TiO2 | annealing | UV-visible light | methanol | 1394 | [ |
Co/Cd-MOF | Co9S8/CdS | sulfurization | visible light | free | 61924 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | N-C-TiO2/C | one-step pyrolysis | UV-visible light | methanol | 426 | [ |
Table 1 A summary of MOF-derived photocatalysts for photocatalytic H2 evolution.
MOF precursors | Photocatalyst | Synthesis strategy | Light | Sacrificial agent | Activity (μmol h-1g-1) | Ref. |
In-MOF | In2O3/g-C3N4 | calcined annealing (In-MOF precursor + melamine) | visible light | TEOA | 1374 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti/Cu) | TiO2/CuxO/C | one-step direct carbonization | UV-visible light | CH3OH | 3298 | [ |
ZIF-67 | TiO2-Ti3C2-CoSx | solvothermal method | UV-visible light | CH3OH | 950 | [ |
Cd-MOF | CdS/MoS2 | sulfurization | UV-visible light | Na2S + Na2SO3 | 5587 | [ |
HKUST-1 | Cu-TiO2/C nanospheres | calcination and etching | simulated sunlight | CH3OH | 14049 | [ |
Ni-MOF | CdS-NiO-P | annealing and ultrasonication | UV-visible light | DMPO | 14250 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | MoS2@TiO2 | thermally treated (thiourea and sodium molybdate dihydrate) | visible light | TEOA | 10046 | [ |
MIL-68(In) | In2O3@g-C3N4 | annealing | visible light | 0.5 mol/L Na2SO3 + Na2S | 258.8 | [ |
MOF-74-Zn/Fe | ZnFe2O4/AgCl/Ag/C | thermal treatment | visible light | 0.1 mol/L Na2SO3 + 0.1 mol/L Na2S | 7524 | [ |
MIL-125 | g-C3N4/TiO2 | facile pyrolysis | UV-visible light | TEOA | 606 | [ |
ZIF-8 | ZnOZIF-8/rGO/carbon sponge | dipping-pyrolysis | simulated solar light | CH3OH | 14.6 | [ |
Cd-Zn-Fe PBA | Cd0.5Zn0.5S | solvothermal | visible light | Na2S (0.35 mol/L) + Na2SO3 (0.25 mol/L) | 4341.6 | [ |
Cd-Fe-PBA | CdS | microwave-assisted hydrothermal process | visible light | Na2S + Na2SO3 | 3051.4 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | NiS/CdS/TiO2 | hydrolysis combining sulfidation process | visible light | Na2SO3 (0.25 mol/L) + Na2S (0.35 mol/L) | 2149.15 | [ |
Ce-ZIF-8 | CeO2/ZnS-CuS | calcining and vulcanizing and in-situ cation exchange method | visible light | CH3OH | 13470 | [ |
Fe-MOF | g-Fe2O3/rGO-w | thermolysis and wet chemical technique | visible light | TEA | 318 | [ |
Al-MOF | CdX-g-C3N4-NPC | annealing | simulated solar light | lactic acid | 116.5 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | H-TiO2/CdS | post solvothermal method | visible light | Na2S (0.2 mol/L) + Na2SO3 (0.3 mol/L) | 2997.482 | [ |
MOF-199 | Cu-Cu2O/TiO2 | calcining | UV-visible light | glycerol | 15130 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co4S3/CdS | hydrothermal reaction | visible light | lactic acid | 5892.6 | [ |
ZnCo-MOFs | Co3O4/ZnO@ZnS | calcining and solvothermal method | 780 nm > λ > 320 nm | CH3OH | 3853 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co9S8@ZnAgInS | sulfidation reaction and thermal treatment | simulated solar light | TEOA | 9395.3 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIF | CdS/ZnXCo3‒xO4 | aminated in an oil bath and hydrothermal method | UV-visible light | lactic acid | 3978.6 | [ |
ZIF-8 | Co/NGC@ZnIn2S4 | situ solution growth method and high-temperature pyrolysis and acid leaching | visible light | TEOA | 11270 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIF | Pt-ZnO-Co3O4 Pt-ZnS-CoS Pt-Zn3P2-CoP | oxidation sulfurization phosphidation | UV-vis light | methanol | 7800 8210 9150 | [ |
Prussian blue | Fe2N | annealing + ammoniated | visible light | TEOA | 14500 | [ |
Fe-Ni-MIL-88 | Fe-Ni-P nanotubes | phosphating method | visible light | TEOA | 5420 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co4S3/CdS | annealing + sulfurization | simulated solar light | lactic acid | 12360 | [ |
CAU-17 | Bi0.5Y0.5VO4 | annealing | UV-vis light | — | 124.2 | [ |
ZIF-8 | ZnS/ZnIn2S4 | sulfurization | simulated solar light | TEOA | 453.4 | [ |
MIL-125@ZIF-67 HMOF | TiO2/Co3O4/Ni | annealing | UV-visible light | free | 122.67 | [ |
MIL-125-NH2 | TiO2 | annealing | UV-visible light | methanol | 1394 | [ |
Co/Cd-MOF | Co9S8/CdS | sulfurization | visible light | free | 61924 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | N-C-TiO2/C | one-step pyrolysis | UV-visible light | methanol | 426 | [ |
Equation | Reaction | E0vs. NHE |
1 | CO2 + 2H++ 2e-→ HCOOH | -0.61 V |
2 | CO2 + 2H++ 2e-→ CO + H2O | -0.53 V |
3 | CO2 + 4H++ 4e-→ HCHO + H2O | -0.48 V |
4 | CO2 + 6H++ 6e-→ CH3OH + H2O | -0.38 V |
5 | CO2 + 8H++ 8e-→ CH4 + 2H2O | -0.24 V |
6 | 2H++ 2e-→ H2 | -0.41 V |
Table 2 The different products of CO2 reduction and the corresponding reduction potentials (pH = 7).
Equation | Reaction | E0vs. NHE |
1 | CO2 + 2H++ 2e-→ HCOOH | -0.61 V |
2 | CO2 + 2H++ 2e-→ CO + H2O | -0.53 V |
3 | CO2 + 4H++ 4e-→ HCHO + H2O | -0.48 V |
4 | CO2 + 6H++ 6e-→ CH3OH + H2O | -0.38 V |
5 | CO2 + 8H++ 8e-→ CH4 + 2H2O | -0.24 V |
6 | 2H++ 2e-→ H2 | -0.41 V |
Fig. 18. Scheme illustration for the preparation and SEM images of In2S3-CdIn2S4 (a) and ZnIn2S4-In2O3 (b). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [210]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [211]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. (c) SEM image of holey Co3O4 nanosheets; (d) The theoretical calculation models of CO2 molecule adsorbed on the surface of Co3O4 bulk (left) and Co3O4 monolayer (right) based on DFT calculations; (e) Evolution of CO and H2 under various reaction conditions. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [212]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier.
Fig. 19. (a) Illustration of the synthetic process of hierarchical FeCoS2-CoS2 double-shelled nanotubes. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [216]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (b) The synthetic procedure of Co3O4 hierarchical nanosheets; (c) CO2 photoreduction activity and selectivity of different samples. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [217]. Copyright 2019, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 20. (a) A schematic synthesis process for the Co1.11Te2@C material. Theoretical calculation results of (b) valence band XPS of Co1.11Te2, (c) DOS/PDOS diagrams, (d) band structure of Co1.11Te2. (e) Photocatalytic CO2 reduction activities of Co1.11Te2@C. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [221]. Copyright 2019, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 21. (a) The effect of different samples on the product; (b) The mechanism diagram for photocatalytic CO2 reduction over the composited photocatalyst. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [222]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society.
MOF precursor | Photocatalyst | Synthesis strategy | Light | Product | Activity (μmol h-1 g-1) | Ref. |
In-MIL-68 | In2S3-CdIn2S4 | liquid phase sulfidation process + cation exchange reaction | visible light | CO | 825 | [ |
In-MIL-68 | ZnIn2S4-In2O3 | thermal annealing + hydrothermal Reaction | visible light | CO | 3075 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co3O4 | ion-assistant solvothermal + annealing | visible light | CO | 9040 | [ |
In-MIL-68 | MnS/In2S3 | one-step sulfurizing method | 300 W Xe lamp, 100 mW cm-2 | CO | 58 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIFs | ZnO/Co3O4 | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp | CO | 537.5 | [ |
MIL-88A | FeCoS2-CoS2 | ion-exchange + sulfidation reaction + thermal annealing | visible light | CO | 56200 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co3O4 | annealing | visible light | CO | 1985 | [ |
ZnMn2-ptcda MOF | ZnMn2O4 | annealing | 500 W Xenon arc lamp | CO CH4 | 0.024 — | [ |
Zn-Ni MOF | ZnO/NiO | annealing | 300 W full-spectrum Xe lamp | CH3OH | 1.57 | [ |
Cu/Zn MOF | Cu/Zn bimetallic oxide | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp with full spectrum | CH3OH | 3710 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co3O4 | annealing | AM 1.5, 100 W/cm2 | CO | 46.3 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co1.11Te2 | annealing + Te powder | 200 W white LEDs lamp | CO | 11400 | [ |
MIL-101(Fe) | Fe@C | two-step calcination | 300 W Xe lamp | CO | 18301 | [ |
MIL-125(Ti) | Co-Cu/TiO2 | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp | CO CH4 C2H6 C3H8 | 501.9 565.97 892 33.57 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | Au/TiO2 | solvothermal synthesis | 200 W Hg/Xe (200-750 nm) lamp | CH4 | — | [ |
ZIF-8 | CuOX@p-ZnO | aerobic pyrolysis | 300 W Xe lamp | CO CH4 C2H4 | 3.3 2.2 2.7 | [ |
Table 3 A summary of MOF-derived photocatalysts for photocatalytic CO2 reduction.
MOF precursor | Photocatalyst | Synthesis strategy | Light | Product | Activity (μmol h-1 g-1) | Ref. |
In-MIL-68 | In2S3-CdIn2S4 | liquid phase sulfidation process + cation exchange reaction | visible light | CO | 825 | [ |
In-MIL-68 | ZnIn2S4-In2O3 | thermal annealing + hydrothermal Reaction | visible light | CO | 3075 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co3O4 | ion-assistant solvothermal + annealing | visible light | CO | 9040 | [ |
In-MIL-68 | MnS/In2S3 | one-step sulfurizing method | 300 W Xe lamp, 100 mW cm-2 | CO | 58 | [ |
ZnCo-ZIFs | ZnO/Co3O4 | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp | CO | 537.5 | [ |
MIL-88A | FeCoS2-CoS2 | ion-exchange + sulfidation reaction + thermal annealing | visible light | CO | 56200 | [ |
Co-MOF | Co3O4 | annealing | visible light | CO | 1985 | [ |
ZnMn2-ptcda MOF | ZnMn2O4 | annealing | 500 W Xenon arc lamp | CO CH4 | 0.024 — | [ |
Zn-Ni MOF | ZnO/NiO | annealing | 300 W full-spectrum Xe lamp | CH3OH | 1.57 | [ |
Cu/Zn MOF | Cu/Zn bimetallic oxide | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp with full spectrum | CH3OH | 3710 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co3O4 | annealing | AM 1.5, 100 W/cm2 | CO | 46.3 | [ |
ZIF-67 | Co1.11Te2 | annealing + Te powder | 200 W white LEDs lamp | CO | 11400 | [ |
MIL-101(Fe) | Fe@C | two-step calcination | 300 W Xe lamp | CO | 18301 | [ |
MIL-125(Ti) | Co-Cu/TiO2 | annealing | 300 W Xe lamp | CO CH4 C2H6 C3H8 | 501.9 565.97 892 33.57 | [ |
NH2-MIL-125 | Au/TiO2 | solvothermal synthesis | 200 W Hg/Xe (200-750 nm) lamp | CH4 | — | [ |
ZIF-8 | CuOX@p-ZnO | aerobic pyrolysis | 300 W Xe lamp | CO CH4 C2H4 | 3.3 2.2 2.7 | [ |
Fig. 22. (a) The synthetic process of core-shell ZnO@C-N-Co; (b,c) TEM images of ZnO@C-N-Co; (d) Photodegradation mechanism of organic pollutants over the prepared core-shell ZnO@C-N-Co photocatalyst; (e) Recyclability of the ZnO@C-N-Co nanocomposites in the MO degradation. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [235]. Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 23. (a) Schematic synthesis process of AgCl/Ag/In2O3; (b) The photocatalytic mechanism of Z-scheme AgCl/Ag/In2O3 system; The work function of In2O3 (c), AgCl (d) and Ag (e); (f) Photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by the various photocatalysts; (g) Photocatalytic Cr (VI) reduction of the various photocatalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [249]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.
MOF precursor | Photocatalysts | Synthesis strategy | Pollutant | Reactive species | Ref. |
MIL-88B | AgPt@γ-Fe2O3/CuO | annealing | 4-nitrophenol | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MOF-NiZn | ZnO/Ni0.9Zn0.1O | annealing | MB | •OH | [ |
MIL-125(Ti) | CeOx@C-TiO2 | annealing | tetracycline | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Co/Fe-MOF | CoP/Fe2P@mC | annealing (NaH2PO2) | RhB | h+/•OH/•O2- | [ |
ZIF-8@MIL-68(In) | ZnO@In2O3 | one-step calcination | tetracycline | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Cu-BTC | Cu-doped TiO2 | ultrasonic-assisted precipitation technique | ofloxacin | •OH/•O2- | [ |
In-MIL-68 | In2O3@SnIn4S8 | oil-bath method | Cr (VI) | e- | [ |
Zn/Co-ZIF | ZnO@C-N-Co | directly pyrolyzing | MO | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Zn1‒xCox-ZIF | Zn1‒xCox-ZIF@Zn1‒xCoxO | in situ transformation | RhB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MIL-68 (In) | AgCl/Ag/In2O3 | annealing | tetracycline/Cr (VI) | •O2-/e-/ h+ | [ |
Ti-Fe-MOF | TiO2/Au/Fe2O3 | hydrothermal + annealing | 2,4 dichlorophenol and 4-bromophenol | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MOF-5 | C-doped ZnO | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
MIL-53-NH2 | g-C3N4 @CoFe2O4/Fe2O3 | annealing | tetracycline | •OH | [ |
MIL-125/Co | C-TiO2/CoTiO3 | annealing | ciprofloxacin | •OH | [ |
MIL-100(Fe) | CdS QDs/Fe2O3 | two-step calcination | bisphenol A | •OH/h+ | [ |
MIL-125 | g-C3N4/TiO2 | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Cu-Zn-BTC | Ag2O/ZnO/CuO | annealing | acid blue 92 | •OH | [ |
MIL-68(In) | MoS2/In2S3 | two-step hydrothermal | MO | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MIL-101(Fe) | Fe2O3/TiO2 | microwave-assisted sol-gel | NSAIDs | h+ | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | N-doped TiO2 | annealing | MB | e- | [ |
CAU-17 | Bi2O2CO3/g-C3N4 | wet chemistry and calcination | tetracycline | •O2- | [ |
UiO-66 | TiO2/ZrO2 | annealing | RhB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
In-BDC | In2O3 | annealing | perfluorooctanoic acid | •OH | [ |
MIL-68(In) | MWCNT@In2S3 | thiourea sulfuration | tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Fe-MIL-88B | α-Fe2O3/C | annealing | MB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Cd-MOF | CdS/NC-T | annealing | tetracycline | •OH/•O2-/h+ | [ |
HKUST-1 | GCNOX/Cu2O@C | annealing | RhB ciprofloxacin | •OH | [ |
MIL-88A | ZnIn2S4@Fe3O4 ZnIn2S4@α-Fe2O3 | annealing + in-situ self-assembly strategy | RhB, MO, MB and BPA | •O2-/h+ •OH/•O2- | [ |
CuBTC/SA | Fe3O4-CuO@carbon | ferrocene CVD and pyrolysis | MB, acid red 73, X-3B, BPA | •OH/e-/h+ | [ |
Ag/Bi-MOF | Ag/AgCl/BiOCl | halogenation treatment | tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Bi-BTC | BiOBr/Bi24O31Br10 | Bromination-annealing route | RhB | h+/•O2-/1O2 | [ |
Bi-BTC | BiOX, X= Cl, Br, I | solvothermal method in sealed autoclaves | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Prussian blue | CuFe2O4 | annealing | RhB | •OH | [ |
MOF-5 | C-doped ZnO | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Zn-MOF | ZnO/C | annealing | MB | — | [ |
MOF-5 | ZnO/C | one-step carbonization | MB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
ZIF-8 | C-doped ZnO | two-step calcination | RhB | — | [ |
MIL-68-In | In2S3 | sulfidation | MO and tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
[NH3CH3][Cu(HCOO)3] | Cu2O | direct one-step pyrolysis | MO | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Co/In-MOFs | In2O3/Co3O4-palygorskite | one-pot solvothermal method | MB and TC | •O2-/h+/•OH | [ |
Table 4 A summary of MOF-derived photocatalysts for photocatalytic degradation of pollutants.
MOF precursor | Photocatalysts | Synthesis strategy | Pollutant | Reactive species | Ref. |
MIL-88B | AgPt@γ-Fe2O3/CuO | annealing | 4-nitrophenol | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MOF-NiZn | ZnO/Ni0.9Zn0.1O | annealing | MB | •OH | [ |
MIL-125(Ti) | CeOx@C-TiO2 | annealing | tetracycline | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Co/Fe-MOF | CoP/Fe2P@mC | annealing (NaH2PO2) | RhB | h+/•OH/•O2- | [ |
ZIF-8@MIL-68(In) | ZnO@In2O3 | one-step calcination | tetracycline | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Cu-BTC | Cu-doped TiO2 | ultrasonic-assisted precipitation technique | ofloxacin | •OH/•O2- | [ |
In-MIL-68 | In2O3@SnIn4S8 | oil-bath method | Cr (VI) | e- | [ |
Zn/Co-ZIF | ZnO@C-N-Co | directly pyrolyzing | MO | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Zn1‒xCox-ZIF | Zn1‒xCox-ZIF@Zn1‒xCoxO | in situ transformation | RhB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MIL-68 (In) | AgCl/Ag/In2O3 | annealing | tetracycline/Cr (VI) | •O2-/e-/ h+ | [ |
Ti-Fe-MOF | TiO2/Au/Fe2O3 | hydrothermal + annealing | 2,4 dichlorophenol and 4-bromophenol | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MOF-5 | C-doped ZnO | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
MIL-53-NH2 | g-C3N4 @CoFe2O4/Fe2O3 | annealing | tetracycline | •OH | [ |
MIL-125/Co | C-TiO2/CoTiO3 | annealing | ciprofloxacin | •OH | [ |
MIL-100(Fe) | CdS QDs/Fe2O3 | two-step calcination | bisphenol A | •OH/h+ | [ |
MIL-125 | g-C3N4/TiO2 | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Cu-Zn-BTC | Ag2O/ZnO/CuO | annealing | acid blue 92 | •OH | [ |
MIL-68(In) | MoS2/In2S3 | two-step hydrothermal | MO | •OH/•O2- | [ |
MIL-101(Fe) | Fe2O3/TiO2 | microwave-assisted sol-gel | NSAIDs | h+ | [ |
NH2-MIL-125(Ti) | N-doped TiO2 | annealing | MB | e- | [ |
CAU-17 | Bi2O2CO3/g-C3N4 | wet chemistry and calcination | tetracycline | •O2- | [ |
UiO-66 | TiO2/ZrO2 | annealing | RhB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
In-BDC | In2O3 | annealing | perfluorooctanoic acid | •OH | [ |
MIL-68(In) | MWCNT@In2S3 | thiourea sulfuration | tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Fe-MIL-88B | α-Fe2O3/C | annealing | MB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
Cd-MOF | CdS/NC-T | annealing | tetracycline | •OH/•O2-/h+ | [ |
HKUST-1 | GCNOX/Cu2O@C | annealing | RhB ciprofloxacin | •OH | [ |
MIL-88A | ZnIn2S4@Fe3O4 ZnIn2S4@α-Fe2O3 | annealing + in-situ self-assembly strategy | RhB, MO, MB and BPA | •O2-/h+ •OH/•O2- | [ |
CuBTC/SA | Fe3O4-CuO@carbon | ferrocene CVD and pyrolysis | MB, acid red 73, X-3B, BPA | •OH/e-/h+ | [ |
Ag/Bi-MOF | Ag/AgCl/BiOCl | halogenation treatment | tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Bi-BTC | BiOBr/Bi24O31Br10 | Bromination-annealing route | RhB | h+/•O2-/1O2 | [ |
Bi-BTC | BiOX, X= Cl, Br, I | solvothermal method in sealed autoclaves | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Prussian blue | CuFe2O4 | annealing | RhB | •OH | [ |
MOF-5 | C-doped ZnO | annealing | RhB | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Zn-MOF | ZnO/C | annealing | MB | — | [ |
MOF-5 | ZnO/C | one-step carbonization | MB | •OH/•O2- | [ |
ZIF-8 | C-doped ZnO | two-step calcination | RhB | — | [ |
MIL-68-In | In2S3 | sulfidation | MO and tetracycline | •O2-/h+ | [ |
[NH3CH3][Cu(HCOO)3] | Cu2O | direct one-step pyrolysis | MO | •O2-/h+ | [ |
Co/In-MOFs | In2O3/Co3O4-palygorskite | one-pot solvothermal method | MB and TC | •O2-/h+/•OH | [ |
Fig. 24. (a) The fabrication process of the hollow porous carbon (HPC)-immobilized ultrahigh content of single Zn atoms. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [266]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (b) Schematic preparation process of the Fe-N/GNs. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [267]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Fig. 25. (a) Schematic preparation process of Co-NxPS/C/CdS photocatalyst; (b) Aberration-corrected STEM images of Co-NxPS/C cocatalyst; (c) H2 amounts of series photocatalysts; (d) Photocatalytic mechanism for H2 evolution. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [280]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.
Fig. 26. (a) Schematic fabrication process of CoSx/g-C3N4 photocatalysts; Schematic illustration of the morphology of ZIF-67 (b) and hollow CoSx polyhedron (c); FESEM images of ZIF-67 (d), hollow CoSx polyhedron (e) and CoSx/g-C3N4 composites (f). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [286]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 27. (a) The synthesis processes of CoP/g-C3N4. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [287]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Synthesis of Ni2P/CdS composite. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [288]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 28. (a) The illustration for the synthesis procedure of the Ni/SiO2 catalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [285]. Copyright 2015, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (b) Schematic process for the preparation of Ni/g-C3N4. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [289]. Copyright 2019, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 29. (a) PL spectra of pure g-C3N4 and CoSx/g-C3N4; (b) Linear sweep voltammograms of g-C3N4/FTO, CoSx/FTO, and CoSx/g-C3N4/FTO electrodes; (c) Photocatalytic H2 evolution rate of g-C3N4 and CoSx/g-C3N4 photocatalysts with different CoSx contents; (d) Schematic mechanism for photocatalytic H2 evolution over CoSx/g-C3N4 photocatalyst. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [286]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 30. (a) EIS of CdS and Ni2P/CdS; (b) Photocatalytic H2 generation rate of different photocatalysts. (a,b) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [288]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. (c) Steady-state PL spectra of g-C3N4 and Ni/g-C3N4 with different Ni loadings; (d) Photocatalytic activity of H2 evolution over Ni/CN with different Ni loadings. (c,d) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [289]. Copyright 2019, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) The HER polarization curves of various catalysts; (f) PL spectra for g-C3N4, Pt/g-C3N4, and 1 wt% C-ZIF/g-C3N4 composite under 375 nm excitation. (e,f) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [301]. Copyright 2019, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 31. (a) TRPL spectra of EY sensitized g-C3N4, CN/FeP/g-C3N4 and CN/FeNi7.47P/g-C3N4 composites; (b) Possible mechanism of photocatalytic H2 evolution over the EY-sensitized CN/FeNiP/g-C3N4 composite. (a,b) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [303]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier. (c) EIS for g-C3N4, g-C3N4/C@Ni2P, and g-C3N4/C@Ni3S4/Ni2P with different phosphating times; (d) Schematic preparation process of the g-C3N4/C@Ni3S4/Ni2P composite; (e) The proposed mechanism of photocatalytic H2 evolution over EY-sensitized g-C3N4/C@Ni3S4/Ni2P composite. (c?e) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [304]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier. (f) Photocurrent responses of g-C3N4, MoO2-8%/g-C3N4 and MoNi@MoO2-8%/g-C3N4; (g) Schematic process of charge transfer and H2 production over MoNi@MoO2/g-C3N4 composite. (f,g) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [305]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.
Fig. 32. (a) Schematic synthesis process of the NixCo1?xO@C/CdS nanocomposites; (b) Schematic process of photogenerated carries separation and transfer in the NixCo1?xO@C/CdS system; (c) Photocatalytic activity of H2 evolution over CdS, Pt/CdS and NixCo1?xO@C/CdS. (a?c) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [307]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. (d) Schematic preparation process of CoP/Co@NPC/g-C3N4 photocatalysts; (e) Schematic process of charge transfer and H2 production; (f) H2 generation over Co@NC/g-C3N4 and CoP/Co@NPC/g-C3N4 with different phosphidation time [308]. (d?f) Reprinted with permission from Ref. [308]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.
Fig. 33. Schematic preparation process of ZIF-8-derived ZnO and ZIF-8@ZIF-67-derived ZnO@Co3O4 polyhedron. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [310]. Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 34. TEM images of ZnO photocatalyst derived from ZIF-8 before (a) and after (b) photocatalytic CO2 reduction; TEM images of ZnO@Co3O4 photocatalyst derived from ZIF-8@ZIF-67 before (c) and after (d) photocatalytic CO2 reduction; (e) Schematic diagram of ZnO and ZnO@Co3O4 participating in photocatalytic CO2 reduction; (f) CO and (g) CH4 evolution by various photocatalysts. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [310]. Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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