催化学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 45: 17-26.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(22)64165-2

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刘轩, 梁嘉顺, 李箐()   

  1. 华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室, 湖北武汉430074
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-03 接受日期:2022-08-14 出版日期:2023-02-18 发布日期:2023-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 李箐
  • 基金资助:

Design principle and synthetic approach of intermetallic Pt-M alloy oxygen reduction catalysts for fuel cells

Xuan Liu, Jiashun Liang, Qing Li()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China
  • Received:2022-07-03 Accepted:2022-08-14 Online:2023-02-18 Published:2023-01-10
  • Contact: Qing Li
  • About author:Qing Li is a professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Peking University in 2010 and then worked as a postdoctoral research associate consecutively at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2011-2013) and Brown University (2013-2015). He joined HUST as a full professor in 2016. He has published more than 160 peer-reviewed papers. His research interests include functional nanomaterials and their applications in electrocatalysis, PEM fuel cells and batteries.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(22122202);National Natural Science Foundation of China(21972051)


开发用于氧还原反应(ORR)的高性能Pt-M (M = 过渡金属)金属间合金催化剂是实现质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)大规模应用的关键. 因此迫切需要明确设计和制备具有高ORR活性和稳定性的金属间Pt-M催化剂的一般规则. 本文首先概述了无序-有序相变的热力学和动力学基本原理, 然后介绍了本课题组在合成L10有序结构的Pt-M金属间纳米晶(iNC)方面的研究结果, 进一步阐述了提高L10-Pt-M燃料电池ORR催化剂的活性和稳定性的有效策略.
关于铂基金属间纳米晶的合成, 本课题组基于高温相变扩散动力学发展了空位介导原子扩散的方法用于合成全有序铂基金属间纳米晶. 铂基金属间纳米晶通常是通过高温退火制得, 但该过程中原子的快速扩散会加剧奥斯特瓦尔德熟化和材料烧结, 进而导致催化剂活性下降. 对纳米晶进行包覆或者限域虽然能够在一定程度上降低高温退火过程中的颗粒团聚, 但是原子扩散受限也导致难以获得完全有序的纳米晶. 空位扩散是金属纳米晶有序转变过程中的主要扩散过程, 可以在退火前驱体中构建Pt/MOx界面. 本课题组发展了空位介导原子扩散促进铂基合金有序化的方法, 制得了一系列用于ORR反应的超细Pt-M (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Zn等)金属间纳米晶催化剂, 实现了铂基金属间纳米晶的高效制备.
关于铂基金属间纳米晶催化剂的活性调控, 本课题组基于应变效应的调控策略开发了多种具有高氧还原活性的铂基金属间纳米晶催化剂. 根据理论预测的铂表面最佳氧物种吸附能, 通过掺杂钨原子调控表面应变, 有效削弱了L10-PtCo纳米晶表面的过度应变, 制得的催化剂表现出良好的催化活性. 此外, 介绍了双轴应变介导的高活性L10-PtZn/Pt-C催化剂, 独特的表面应变模式使其在氧还原反应中表现出较好的催化活性, 并在燃料电池器件中表现出较好的质量活性与功率密度.
关于铂基金属间纳米晶催化剂稳定性的提升, 本课题组基于腐蚀热力学与热力学原理发展了多种提升金属间纳米晶催化剂稳定性的方法. 铂基金属间纳米晶组元间独特的强轨道相互作用在提升催化稳定性方面表现出明显优势, 基于此, 开发了具有强Pt(5d)-Ni/Co(3d)相互作用的C-L10-PtNi0.8Co0.2催化剂, 其在加速稳定性测试后表现出良好的稳定性. 此外, 根据稳定表面的纳米表面工程方法, 制备了低表面能的L10-W-PtCo纳米晶, 该催化剂在燃料电池测试中表现出较好的稳定性. 针对催化剂的溶解腐蚀, 本课题组开发了具有高表面空位形成能的L10-PtZn/Pt-C催化剂, 有效降低了催化剂在燃料电池中的性能衰减, 并且通过理论计算, 揭示了金属间相结构热力学参数(形成能)与腐蚀过程动力学参数(空位形成能)的相关关系, 有望为后续开发高稳定性铂基氧还原催化剂提供理论参考. 综上, 本文为未来应用于PEMFC和其他电化学能量转换技术的Pt-M金属间合金ORR催化剂的研究和开发提供一些借鉴.

关键词: 燃料电池, 氧还原反应, 铂基合金, 金属间化合物, L10有序结构


Developing high-performance Pt-M (M = transition metal) intermetallic alloy catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) are key to achieving large-scale applications of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). It is urgent to clarify the general rules to design and prepare intermetallic Pt-M catalysts with high ORR activity and stability. In this account, the basic principles for disorder-order phase transition in terms of thermodynamics and kinetics are first introduced and our recent efforts in synthesizing fully-ordered Pt-M intermetallic nanocrystals (iNCs) with well-defined L10-ordering structures are described. Then the effective strategies for further enhancing the activity and stability of L10-Pt-M ORR catalysts for PEMFCs are exemplified. We hope that this account will provide some significant insights into the research and development of intermetallic Pt-M alloy ORR catalysts for the applications of PEMFCs and other electrochemical energy conversion technologies in the future.

Key words: Fuel cell, Oxygen reduction reaction, Pt-based alloy catalyst, Intermetallics, L10-ordered structure