催化学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 51: 124-134.DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(23)64475-4

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阎菲a,b, 张由子a,b, 刘思碧a,b, 邹睿卿a,b, Jahan B Ghasemic,*(), 李炫华a,b,*()   

  1. a西北工业大学深圳研究院, 广东深圳518057, 中国
    b西北工业大学材料科学与工程学院, 凝固加工国家重点实验室, 纳米能源材料研究中心, 陕西西安710072, 中国
    c德黑兰大学化学系, 伊朗
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-04 接受日期:2023-06-20 出版日期:2023-08-18 发布日期:2023-09-11
  • 通讯作者: *电子信箱: lixh32@nwpu.edu.cn (李炫华), jahan.ghasemi@ut.ac.ir (J. B Ghasemi).
  • 基金资助:

Efficient charge separation by a donor-acceptor system integrating dibenzothiophene into a porphyrin-based metal-organic framework for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

Fei Yana,b, Youzi Zhanga,b, Sibi Liua,b, Ruiqing Zoua,b, Jahan B Ghasemic,*(), Xuanhua Lia,b,*()   

  1. aResearch & Development Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518057, Guangdong, China
    bState Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Center for Nano Energy Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, Shannxi, China
    cDepartment of Chemistry, University of Tehran, District 6, Tehran, Iran
  • Received:2023-05-04 Accepted:2023-06-20 Online:2023-08-18 Published:2023-09-11
  • Contact: *E-mail: lixh32@nwpu.edu.cn (X. Li), jahan.ghasemi@ut.ac.ir (J. B Ghasemi).
  • Supported by:
    Science, Technology, and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality(JCYJ008103417036);National Natural Science Foundation of China(22261142666);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52172237);Shaanxi Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(2022JC-21);Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing (NPU), China(2021-QZ-02);Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(3102019JC005);Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(D5000220033)


本文采用简单的溶剂热法将供体卟啉与受体二苯并噻吩砜(BTDO)相结合,构筑了一种卟啉基(TCPP)的D-A型MOF(TCPP-Zn-BTDO),其中,TCPP供体分子和BTDO受体分子通过Zn2+离子配位连接.红外吸收光谱中砜基的特征吸收峰以及电感耦合等离子体质谱表明有硫元素存在,说明成功引入了电子受体BTDO.TCPP-Zn-BTDO的光催化析氢效率较好,为1.48mmol g‒1 h‒1,是单组分MOF(TCPP-Zn)的3.14倍.此外,TCPP-Zn-BTDO具有较好的光催化稳定性,连续40h实验后,光催化活性没有显著降低.紫外可见吸收光谱和光电流测试结果表明,TCPP-Zn-BTDO具有更高的光吸收效率和更强的光电流响应,说明TCPP-Zn-BTDO可以产生更多的光生载流子,从而有利于光催化析氢反应.同时,BTDO的加入增大了分子偶极子,有效增强了内建电场.表面电荷密度以及开路电压等表明,TCPP-Zn-BTDO的内建电场强度是单组分MOF的1.44倍.通过莫特肖特基曲线与禁带宽度计算出TCPP-Zn-BTDO具有更负的导带位置,因而具有较强的热力学驱动力和电子还原能力,从而促进光催化析氢.综上,本文设计了一种简单的方法来构筑高活性的D-A型MOF,D与A之间的电荷转移相互作用能有效促进光生载流子分离,为光催化析氢材料的设计提供参考.

关键词: 光催化, 电荷分离, 卟啉, 金属有机框架, 供体-受体


The high selectivity of organic ligands and metal ions that construct metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) enables considerable richness in the MOF structure and confers them with numerous potentials, rendering MOFs extremely interesting to researchers in the field of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. However, the severe recombination of photoinduced charge carriers significantly restricts the photocatalytic performance of the MOFs. Herein, we report a porphyrin-based donor-acceptor (D-A) MOF consisting of meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (TCPP) donor and a thieno [3,2b:20,30-d]thiophene-S,S-dioxide (BTDO) acceptor via coordination with Zn2+ ions, and denoted as TCPP-Zn-BTDO. The charge-transfer interaction from TCPP to BTDO broadened the light absorption range of TCPP-Zn-BTDO, with a high theoretical spectral efficiency of 69.72%. The D-A structure of TCPP-Zn-BTDO effectively enhanced the internal electric field because of its large molecular dipole, which significantly improved the charge-separation efficiency. Based on the aforementioned improvements, TCPP-Zn-BTDO showed a three-fold higher photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rate than the corresponding monocomponent MOF of TCPP-Zn without the BTDO acceptor. The D-A MOF reported in this study provides a new strategy for enhancing the photocatalytic performance of MOF.

Key words: Photocatalysis, Charge separation, Porphyrin, Metal-organic framework, Donor-acceptor